"Delray's Original Florist For Over 60 Years!"


Anniversaries are the perfect occasion for sending a beautiful bouquet. Whether it's roses, tropicals, or a colorful mixed bouquet, we can create the perfect gift!

Dozen Rose Contempo 74.95
Perfect Pink Dozen 74.95
Simply Yellow 74.95
Premium Dozen Red 84.95
Make me Blush 84.95
Sunny Dozen 84.95
Designer's Choice 85.00
Exceptional Blooms 94.95
Lovely Luxe 99.95
Soft Spoken 124.95
Love and Devotion - Long Stemmed Red Roses 144.95
Springtime in Paris 149.95
Enchanted Roses 149.95
ps I love u 159.95
Breathtaking Beauty - 3 Dozen Long Stemmed Roses 204.95
Grand Gathering 274.95
Premium Grande Vase 425.00