"Delray's Original Florist For Over 60 Years!"

Delray Beach Florist, Your Local Highland Beach Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Highland Beach

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 5 miles from the center of Highland Beach.

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Delray Beach Florist
1310 N Federal Hwy
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Leave a Review
Lindsay CardenLindsay Carden
last month
I live in DC and wanted to have flowers delivered to my mother who lives in delray. It’s her birthday and she just got a clean bill of health from her oncologist:) I called Delray Beach Florist and they had stunning roses delivered to her in just about an hour. I could not be more happy with the quality and service. Highly recommend this friendly and professional establishment!
Janay WrightJanay Wright
6 months ago
Beautiful stuff classic amazing florist
Palma TaylorPalma Taylor
6 months ago
A little gem! Love this florist for ordering and for stopping in for a gift ! They are so helpful !